Saturday, August 01, 2009

Eight Mile (not the Eminem movie)

I haven't totally abandoned the idea of the marathon yet but the "Nike Plus Incident" of last week plus the fact that I miss biking and swimming and I feel like I'm losing my strength and I feel like I'm gravitating more towards triathlons has caused me to re-think my training schedule. I'm considering moving down to a 1/2 marathon training schedule and doing more cross training geared towards Tri's. I dunno.

I did have a fantastic "long run" today. Eight miles - on the marathon course! Started at the intersection of Reedy Creek and Edwards Mill. About two miles on Reedy Creek past horses and stuff and then 2 miles into Umstead. And back. I love running in Umstead - there are hills but they are very gradual and long so you just kind of get in the groove of going uphill and settle into it instead of just gazing towards the top and holding your breath (well, not really) until you get there.

I really was starting to feel it in my abductors (or is it adductors? the ones on the outside) around mile seven which was perfect. I was close enough to the end to be able to push through.

I had a few moments where I really felt in the zone. Sorta settled into the movement. I get that with biking and swimming a lot but this was the first time with running.

I felt very Zen right afterwards. Calmed is good for me.

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