Friday, June 12, 2009

Rules of Buying A Car: Be hungry and be pissed.

So, I drove to High Point NC tonight with Adam to go buy a SAAB. I told Adam that because he was a male who knows about cars and is also my boyfriend that he was going to play a crucial role in this negotiation (in other words, I wanted him to do it).

I knew Adam would do a great job playing the scene. What I didn't realize was that he played me too (in a good way though).

As we were exiting for the dealer Adam said something along the lines of this is not what he would do. Now I know that he would just go get a Hyundai or something but what I was looking for from him was his advice and counsel within the context of what I wanted to do.

I have to admit, his comment pissed me off. I've been talking about the car for weeks and if he thought I was making a big mistake, I want that information to consider. Before we were within 5 minutes of the dealer.

Little did I know he got me in this state of mind on purpose (or so he says).

Also note, and this is important, we drove out Friday after work. Arrived at 7. Dealer closes at 8. I have usually had dinner by 8.

So, we do the bullshit back and forth thing and around 745 we are $300 apart. Adam has me unsure about even wanting this car. And, I am hungry. So, it's easy for me to just walk away. And that's what we do. Walk away.

All I can think about is dinner. All Adam can think about is how quickly the dealer will call back to accept the offer.

We find dinner in Greensboro and about 2 hours after we leave we get the call.
I get the price.
I get the car.
And, I get a sandwich.

All is well.

Thanks Adam.

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