In 2003 (seven years ago today) I had the opportunity to see Art Garfunkel at Town Hall and I had an invite to the after party(I was dating a guy who's job gave him access to all sorts of cool events. He never seemed to enjoy going but he had to, I loved going, so it all worked out).
Note that I was obsessed with Simon & Garfunkel as a teenager. Obsessed.
The first person I noticed was a teenage-ish kid with curly blond hair. We started to talk and yep, as suspected, it was Art Garfunkel's son - James. So, we're talking and then Art and his stunning wife make their entrance. And who do they approach first? Their son. I am still talking to James.
James: Dad, this is Jamie.
Jamie (thinking): Dad! He introduced Art Garfunkel to me as Dad! Be cool, be cool. Don't gush, do not gush.
Jamie (saying): You're my hero, my friend and I wanted to be you and Paul when we were young, I don't even remember. Can I get your autograph?
Art (hugs Jamie) We're all just people Jamie.